Marinella De Simone & Dario Simoncini
- Current Position
- Marinella De Simone: President and Scientific Director at Complexity Institute, Italy and Project Coordinator at “Francisco Varela Project” - Dario Simoncini: Professor of Business Organization at DEA, Faculty of Managerial Sciences at G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti, Italy and Vice-President of Complexity Institute, Italy.
- Bio
- Since 2013 under the Francisco Varela Project they have been organizing 5 editions of the residential 10-days Complexity Summer School and 5 editions of the residential 7-daysComplexity Management Winter Lab for managers and scholars, with University professors and experts working together with attendees on complex systems and relational capabilities in leadership and management issues; 1 edition of the residential 18-days Complexity & Mindfulness Coaching School; 1 edition of the residential 4-days Complexity Science School, and 4 editions of the residential 3-days Complexity Literacy Meeting. Authors of scientific papers and books about complexity and ethics in business management and organizations, learning models and complex systems issues.
- Reference
“The 'Magic Eight' Model. The Enactive Approach of Francisco Varela and the Generative Learning Circle”, in Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change', World Scientific, Singapore, 2012
“Redundancy: Bounded or Generative Order? Co-evolutionary Change Manager Skills and Organizational Well-being”, in 'Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change', World Scientific, Singapore, 2012
“Identification boosts conflicts. A managerial paradox”, in NUOVA ATLANTIDE 2012/2
“Capitano, Burocrate, Maestro o Regista? Un approccio complesso a quattro stili di leadership”, Guaraldi 2014
“Emerging Organization. L’emergere dell’identità nell’organizzazione”, Maggioli Editore, 2012
“Il Mago e il Matto. Sapere personale e conoscenza relazionale nella rete organizzativa”, McGraw-Hill 2008.