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Michel Bitbol

Michel Bitbol
Current Position
Directeur de recherche at the CNRS in Paris, France
Born in 1954, Michel Bitbol graduates in Medicine in Paris in 1980. In 1985, he earned a PhD degree in physics and worked as a research scientist in biophysics until 1990, before migrating to the field of philosophy of physics to focus on the influence of quantum physics on philosophy. Elaborating on Erwin Schrödinger’s prospective of quantum mechanics, he advocates for a neo-Kantian view of quantum mechanics according to which its laws do not describe the physical objects, but rather the bounds of experimental information. Later on, in collaboration with Francisco Varela, he started dedicating himself to philosophy of mind and the problem of consciousness. He has participated in several of the conferences of the Mind and Life Institute, whose aim is to promote a dialogue between science and Buddhism.
La pratique des possibles: Une lecture pragmatiste et modale de la mécanique quantique, Editions Hermann, Paris (2015)

La conscience a-t-elle une origine? Des neurosciences à la pleine conscience: une nouvelle approche de l'esprit, Flammarion, Paris (2014)

Constructing objectivity, Springer, New York (2009)

Schrödinger’s philosophy of quantum mechanics, Boston Studies, Boston (1996)
