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Amanda Carloni

Amanda Carloni

“形不正, 德不来:If the form is not aligned, the intrinsic strength is not shown” From the ancient Chinese text Guanzi, Neiye (5th century BC).

Current Position
President of the Association Zhineng Qigong Italia and Qigong and Taiji teacher
Amanda Carloni is president of the Association Zhineng Qigong Italia. She is also a FISTQ (Italian federation of Tuina and Quigong schools) teacher for Qigong and Taiji and a trainer for Zhineng Qigong and Taijigong at the Institute Villa Giada of Rome. After studying Oriental Languages and Civilizations at the University La Sapienza, she moved to China where she worked as a teacher and translator of original Taiji and Qigong texts. She contributed to establish a common Italian lexicon for these disciplines and she is now official editor of the TAICHICLOPEDIA, the Italian Tai Chi Chuan Encyclopedia. As a Qigong and Taiji teacher, Amanda sees the human being as a bridge between sky and earth, whose correct alignment can be trained with simple exercises. By gaining consciousness of the body, it is possible to explore the universe from within.
