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Annagiulia Ghinassi

Annagiulia Ghinassi
Science and the Wholeness of Life
She specialized in thanatology at the University of Padua and in normal and pathological bereavement care at the Institute of Thanatology and Psychological Medicine in Bologna. She specialized in Brief Strategic Psychotherapy. She is an official researcher at the Center for Strategic Therapy in Arezzo, lecturer in national and international clinical masters in Europe and South America, and works as an affiliated therapist under the direct supervision of Prof. G. Nardone. She is coordinator of the Tuscany Bereavement Listening Points for the TuttoèVita association. She is involved in grief processing support for children and adolescents in schools and in psycho-educational and health promotion projects in the field of Death Education. She is a member of the Italian Society of Palliative Care.