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Antonio Bonaldi

Antonio Bonaldi
Current Position
President of Slow Medicine
Devoted his professional life to public health: in the field of environmental protection, primary care, and finely as hospital director. In particular, he focused his interests on quality of care, technology assessment, hospital design and complex systems. He is curios am curious, distrust of the axioms and convinced that what we call the truth is only one of the infinite aspects of the reality. He is attracted by scientific, analytical and rational thinking without, however, abdicating the wisdom of philosophy and the charm of arts and spirituality. He loves to travel, read, listen to music, play the piano, grow vegetables and flowers, play tennis, take photographs (not with the smartphone), and much more. During these last years, together with some friends he tried to investigate the Slow thinking, talking in hospitals, squares, classrooms and writing reflections, articles and two books.
Perché una medicina sobria, rispettosa e giusta è possibile

Le parole della medicina che cambia.
