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Beyond Permaculture, what we can learn to stay healthy

Saviana Parodi

Permaculture is a design system of human settlements that applies ecology. It deals with all aspecs of human life: house building, soil fertility, food prossesing, financial resorces, emotional relations and cooperation between human and environment, including all its beings, energy and materials.

The esample we follow to make improvement in our sociaty is the ecosystem, as a complex system, with all its carateristic, pattern and implications. 

We would like to stress the tight connection between the complex system, the fourth phase of water (according to what G.H. Pollack wrote in his book: The Fourth Phase of Water, 2013) and the massive work of microorganisms (starting from L. Margulis and D. Sagan concept writen on their book: Microcosmos, 1997).  This interellation brings us to a non-conventional concept of health, in our culture. Fertiliy, health and hygiene, they all depend on homeostasis of all systems connected, as it was since the beging of life on this planet.