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Marinella De Simone & Dario Simoncini

Marinella De Simone & Dario Simoncini
Current Position
Marinella De Simone: President and Scientific Director at Complexity Institute, Italy and Project Coordinator at “Francisco Varela Project” - Dario Simoncini: Professor of Business Organization at DEA, Faculty of Managerial Sciences at G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti, Italy and Vice-President of Complexity Institute, Italy.
Since 2013 under the Francisco Varela Project they have been organizing 5 editions of the residential 10-days Complexity Summer School and 5 editions of the residential 7-daysComplexity Management Winter Lab for managers and scholars, with University professors and experts working together with attendees on complex systems and relational capabilities in leadership and management issues; 1 edition of the residential 18-days Complexity & Mindfulness Coaching School; 1 edition of the residential 4-days Complexity Science School, and 4 editions of the residential 3-days Complexity Literacy Meeting. Authors of scientific papers and books about complexity and ethics in business management and organizations, learning models and complex systems issues.
“The 'Magic Eight' Model. The Enactive Approach of Francisco Varela and the Generative Learning Circle”, in Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change', World Scientific, Singapore, 2012

“Redundancy: Bounded or Generative Order? Co-evolutionary Change Manager Skills and Organizational Well-being”, in 'Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change', World Scientific, Singapore, 2012

“Identification boosts conflicts. A managerial paradox”, in NUOVA ATLANTIDE 2012/2

“Capitano, Burocrate, Maestro o Regista? Un approccio complesso a quattro stili di leadership”, Guaraldi 2014

“Emerging Organization. L’emergere dell’identità nell’organizzazione”, Maggioli Editore, 2012

“Il Mago e il Matto. Sapere personale e conoscenza relazionale nella rete organizzativa”, McGraw-Hill 2008.
