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Francesco Grillo

Francesco Grillo
Current Position
Managing Director of Vision and Value
Francesco Grillo graduated with laude in Economics at LUISS University (ROME), before getting an MBA from Boston University as a Fullbright Scholar. He also holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has been Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute and Academic Visitor at St. Antony's College (University of Oxford), as well as Advisor to the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research. Currently, he is Associate at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa and teaches and at the University of International Business Economics in Beijing. He is the Managing Director of Vision and Value, the management consulting firm, advising strategies to major institutions (including the European Commission and Italian Ministry of Economy) and multinationals. He is also columnist for Corriere della Sera, Linkiesta, and The Guardian, and a regular guest on La7, SkyTG24 and RaiNews24. He is also Director of the think tank Vision.
