Music and Matter: About the co-ontogenetic dance and the algorithms of mind.
- Lecturer
- Joerg Rasche
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Music and Matter: About the co-ontogenetic dance and the algorithms of mind.
In the last 20 years the human genome has lost its role as the leading paradigm of biological science to the “connectom”. This paradigm, mostly associated and studied by brain researchers, is linked with the idea of a living brain after the death of the body. In this utopist concept a crucial point of view seems to be neglected: the origin of our mental life in the co-ontogenetic dance of us as babies with our mother. The living process, with its emotions and nurturing aspects, is missing in the idea of e reduplication of the brain. Francesco Varela dedicated much of his scientific life to the idea of the mutual creation of our world. The developmental psychoanalysis, in parallel to this approach, has shown how both, mother and child, create their world in a close physiological and mental connectivity, even before birth, and then especially in the first two years of the postnatal life. This mutual participation is not so far from the findings of quantum physic, that the observer and the observed can´t be differentiated. Our brain and our mind are the organs to perceive and create our reality. The co-ontogenetic dance is a process. At the basis of matter there is no matter, or, as I would point it: At the basis of matter is the mother – she is the “linking Miss” between both, the physical world and the mind.
The pattern, the structural elements of the co-ontogenetic dance emerge already in the prenatal life; the acoustic system is ready and functioning in the fourth month of pregnancy. The first knots of our physiological and mental network are tied already in the belly, by connecting data like the voice of the mother, the rhythms of her heart, the noises of her breathing and intestine, and so on, and the alterations of neurotransmitters regulating tension and relaxation. The algorithms of this balancing system will be transferred to the time after birth, and provide the structural pattern of mental perception, mirroring, affect attunement, mentalisation and creativity. The famous statement of Wolfgang Pauli, who said that the pattern of our mind do reach back and down into the inorganic stratum of matter, is complementary to the view of the creative dance: Music and Matter are two sides of the same miracle – of our world. As a result of this perspective it is essential that we are conscious about the conditions of our existence: Mutual aid and solidarity with all other creatures.