Cortona Week 2025 Reservation
Student Grants Available:
For registrations, please choose one of the options below:
- Full Fee
- Choose this option to pay your Full Fee for the 2025 Cortona Week in Fraternità San Leonardo al Palco: 1,500.00 euros, and it includes the yearly Cortona Friends Association membership fee
Purchase Full Fee
- Student Fee
- Choose this option to pay your Reduced Fee for the 2025 Cortona Week in Fraternità San Leonardo al Palco: 1,000.00 euros. To be eligible for the Reduced Fee, you need to be a student or participant under the age of 32 years.
Purchase Student Fee
- Honor Guests
- Honor guests : if you are an invited honor guest, click here and register yourself, without paying
- Staff Members
- Staff members: if you qualify, register here without paying, eventually giving the name also of your partner, if you have the right to do so.
You can also pay by bank transfer using the data below, then please inform us by email at
Bank Name: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Bank Account Name: APS Cortona Friends
IBAN:IT 33 N 01030 03202 000002274156