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Saviana Parodi

Saviana Parodi
Science and the Wholeness of Life
Beyond Permaculture, what we can learn to stay healthy
Current Position
Biologist, teacher, designer and practitioner in Permaculture, builder with natural material, seed-saver.
Born in Rome, Italia, 04-05-1963 Graduation in Biology, at University La Sapienza, Rome, 1991. Specialization on molecular genetics at N.I.H., USA, 1991/93. Introduction to Permaculture, Australia, 1994. Course on natural agriculture and prooning at Scuola di Agraria di Monza IT, 1995. PDC (permaculture design course) with Geoff Lawton, Australia, 1999. Course on seed-saver, with Michel and Jude Fanton; Australia, 2000. Course on volonteer in agriculture with Helena Norberg-Hodge; Australia, 2000. PDC with Richard Wade e Inés Sanchez; Torri Superiore IT, 2000. Course on green roofing, with M. Herzfeld Uruguay 2004. Course in strawbale bulding with Barbara Jones, Portogruaro IT, 2005. Course on plastering and raw soil floor Portogruaro IT, 2005. From 1995 studies, practices and trasmits self-construction with natural materials, self-fertile agriculture and design methods in Permaculture in the world (Australia, Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela, Turcky, Swiss, Spain, Italy, France, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Israel), in 4 languages (Italian, English, Spanish and French). Lives between Italy and Argentina